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Peer Review Grant Writing Groups #2 with Heather Mace

  • 21 Jun 2016
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Queen Elizabeth Park Community & Cultural Centre - Meeting Room 1
  • 1


Registration is closed

Are you dreaming of launching a new arts program or class? Or maybe you want further training in your artistic discipline or bring an arts activity to the masses? It might be time for you to apply for a grant. 

With a deep understanding of the complexities of grant writing, we are happy to introduce our new Peer Review Grant Writing Groups (GWG) for 2016. There will be 4 different sessions throughout the year for a maximum of five group representatives or individual artists to share a current or past grant application with a grant writing expert who will provide feedback, tips and best practices in an inclusive group environment.

This program is open to all paid OAC members at no cost, and to non-profits or artists outside of the OAC membership for a small fee of $25.

Here is how it will work:

1. Interested participants will review available session dates and grant lead bios, choose the session in which they would like to participate and register through the OAC website by the given deadline. Non-OAC members must pay online at this time.

2. The OAC will approve registrant participation and forward a confidentiality agreement to be signed and sent back. Only 5 groups or individuals will be represented at each session.

3. Participants will send the grant lead their grant application of choice two weeks before the session begins for experts to review (reminders will be sent out). *If there is any information that you are not comfortable sharing with the grant lead in your grant application, or you do not want shared with the peers during the session, please indicate so with your grant lead at that time*

4. The Grant Expert Lead and participants will gather at QEPCCC. The grant lead will bring all reviewed grants with comments to the session and provide commentary in the group session and create discussion for the peers to participate in on the various grants

About Grant Lead Heather Mace:

Heather Mace helps nonprofits with all aspects of grant funding including writing, sourcing, planning, and managing the process.  After years of working with many grassroots and start-up organizations, she has found a passion for sharing knowledge and insight that will enable nonprofits to feel more comfortable and in control of the often daunting task of grant management.  And she has a particular soft spot for the arts and culture sectors.  You can learn more about Heather on her website; she can be reached at

Phone: (905) 815-5977  |  Email:  |  Address: 2302 Bridge Road, Oakville, ON, L6L 2G6

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